The bags that Coloplast sent didn't arrive in time before I left the kickboxing camp so I got in touch with a few other suppliers and found that Fittleworth has a 'worldwide emergency assistance' program. I don't use Fittleworth at the moment but I'm definitely considering switching to them because it has been so hard to get hold of bags this trip. I've been lucky that my supply has lasted long enough but the emergency service might be essential in future!
Friday, 8 December 2017
Saturday, 11 November 2017
Kickboxing part 2
Comfizz on the other hand were not apologetic or helpful at all about their defective product and simply suggested that I purchase another shield. I had a go at patching up my shield with paper clips and medical tape, which has been somewhat effective - see picture below;
Kickboxing with a bag
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
Jasmine Stacey Collection
Saturday, 4 November 2017
Friday, 3 November 2017
Zen and the art of sitting on the floor
In the gompa, which is the name for the meditation room, there were a few chairs and I managed to bag one for the first session while everyone was still in the confusion of a new territory, however by the second session my chair had been taken and I was relegated to the more usual sitting position of crossed legs on a cushion on the floor. Spending 4 to 6 hours sitting on the floor is not easy, I'll tell you that, and after a few days it was pretty uncomfortable.
The morning and evening silent meditation classes were somewhat nerve wracking as well - 125 people in a silent room and I knew at any moment my stoma could make a loud farting noise! Thankfully there weren't any particularly embarrassing occasions but the anxiety was there most of those times, making it difficult to meditate effectively!
Despite these inconveniences I found it interesting that most of the time I spend at the retreat I felt somewhat contented and happy. This is prett unusual for me as am I often discontented or unhappy about something. I don't really know if it was the tranquil surroundings, the lazy days, or the fact that I could be around other people without being required to talk to them, that made me feel content but whatever it was, it was nice. Oh, and I enjoyed seeing and hearing the Dali Lama teach too, but I didn't really understand much of what he was saying, the main idea is that we should all be more compassionate to each other, which is something I can get on board with.
Next up, I'm heading back to Thailand for the Autumn/wintry months to get away from the cold and to do more kickboxing training.
Monday, 23 October 2017
Eat Pray Love
First stop is Rishikesh, in Uttarakhand about 6 hours north of Delhi, where there of lots of ashrams catering for westerners. As far as I can tell, an ashram is basically a yoga training retreat with some meditation and Hindu traditions thrown in. I've been to a few yoga classes back home and have been using the 'down dog' app to practise at home but I do struggle with the bending at the waist - I empty before starting a practice but as soon as a little bit of output or air is in there, the bending squishes my bag and causes leaks. I only brought enough bags with me to change once every 2 days so I will have to keep an eye on this. Especially as the vegetarian diet means more than usual output...
Monday, 28 August 2017
Then in the afternoon session I could feel my bag getting full again so headed out of the water and took my wetsuit off and thankfully it was mainly air, so I burped on the beach and went back in. Had to change as soon as I got home.
All in all it wasn't easy but a lot of fun and definitely worth giving it a try. I don't think I'm ever going to be able to become a pro surfer though :(
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It's me being a surfer! |
If any of you out there are struggling with your body image and insecurity like I was, I recommend talking about it to safe people and then getting it out as much as possible, a little at a time.
Regarding the travels, I've been hanging out in Europe, not really travelling around that much but hitting up a few places in between being in the UK. So far I ticked off Estonia, Latvia, Istanbul and Portugal, heading to Spain next then I've booked a flight to India in September. The plan is to 'find myself' there. Updates on that to come!
In the UK I've done a few cool things, went to the purple wings ball and met lots of fellow ostomates, including Stephie who asked me to write for her blog here.
I also did some hypnotherapy, meditation, yoga, an NLP workshop and and a social freedom day to help me be more confident.
Thursday, 29 June 2017
London Naked Bike Ride
To start with, this was a useful conversation to have with my friend because his ex, who I also know, has a bag and this is another ostomate that I now know in London (I am hoping to start more of a community here).
Secondly, of course I was anxious to first take my clothes off, I think most people were, but I particularly noticed that a guy pointed at me and I assumed he was pointing at the bag and saying to his friends 'look at that wierd thing' or something like that. But the twist is that the guy came over to talk to me later in the ride and told me that I am really good looking and he was pointing at me to tell his friends how hot I am! Talk about challenging my beliefs!
Next I told a journalist my story whilst we were riding and I explained that I was doing it to be more comfortable with my body. He seemed to be relatively interested in my story.
The rest of the ride was fun, but pretty uneventful, no one else mentioned the bag to me.
Overall I'm glad I did it but we'll see how much difference it makes to my confidence and self acceptance.
Friday, 28 April 2017
Massage, 4/20 and trekking
It was my first full body (thai) oil massage, which I mainly did because a friend was going, otherwise these places make me feel a bit uncomfortable (maybe because of the stoma, maybe I just have intimacy issues)
Anyways I was really annoyed that afterwards I found I had a leak, probably from when I was lying on my front. Apart from the boat diving incident this is the first time I've had a leak whilst wearing the SenSura Mio 2 piece bags. I think I might have run out of them now...
The other notable thing that happened is that it was 4/20 which I'm told is international weed smoking day, so I thought I'd have a bit. I'm not usually that into it but once in a while doesn't hurt. I feel uncomfortable with drugs that completely disable you, which kinda happened -I sparked out in a hammock for a while and hopefully if I'd needed to I could have made it to the toilet, I really really really didn't want to get up! As well as all kinda of crazy thoughts going on in my head and feeling really unsociable meant that I didn't particularly enjoy the session that much.
Finally the last thing I did before heading back to Bangkok to fly home was to go trekking for 2 days in the North Thai jungle (well it wasn't that jungley, it was a national park). This turned out to be a bit of a bad idea because I got diarrhea the night before. One thing I didn't want is to be in the jungle with no toilets, 35 degree heat and an upset stomach. I had to spend 2 days battling dehydration and feeling exhausted. I was super glad that I didn't actually have to 'use' the few toilets that there were available because I don't know how to use a squat toilet!
The diarrhoea continued after the trek while I'd already booked the overnight bus to Bangkok, again not the place you want to use the toilet! And I felt too exhausted when in Bangkok to actually do anything, so booked a super nice, chilled hostel to spend the day before flying home. On the advice of the pharmacist in Bangkok, I bought some oral antibiotics. Thankfully my stomach improved during the flight home so I'm hopeful that it was just traveller's tummy, not the start of a flair up.
Friday, 14 April 2017
Songkran is the Thai new year festival where everyone throws water over each other in the street. In recent years it has turned into one big water fight and is loads of fun, especially in chiang mai in Northern Thailand where it lasts a few days longer than in the rest of the country. Water balloons are illegal here so my advice is to bring some with you!
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Elephant wipes
Monday, 10 April 2017
Phone got stolen!
Every now and then I have been treating myself to a private room rather than staying in shared dorms and I was super lucky the other day when I stayed chatting in the common area even though I knew I had a leak. When I got back to my room to change I had almost blown through the whole thing! It's so much easier to do a change in a proper bathroom at the sink rather than having to change in shared showers and toilet cubicles.
That reminds me; I didn't bring enough dry wipes with me because I thought I could buy them out here but it doesn't seem like you can. So I bought two packets of baby wipes; one for cleaning up and the second I will let them dry out so I can use them for to dry the skin before applying a new bag.
I went on a half day climbing trip on railay beach, that was really good but I also got a leak that day too. It seems to happen when wearing the sensura one piece so I think I just need to always wear the two piece. That reminds me! I was wearing a two piece that was a few days old, I've started this trick of using [medical] tape to patch up the flange after a few days when it starts to unstick in order to get an extra day or two of wear (they are usually lasting about 2 days without this and 3-4 days with this approach). I was on a boat tour in Ao Nang and dived head-first into the water from the long tail boat. My bag almost ripped completely off! I was wearing the under/swimwear from white rose collection which is pretty tight, so I kinda managed to secure if on just using the waistband of those and my swimshorts, and luckily it wasn't long after that when we stopped for dinner and I changed in the toilet cubicle. I was so glad I had a change with me! I've started keeping individual wrapped changing kits so it's super easy to pop one into a day bag or grab one to change in the shared bathrooms that you get in hostels.
Me: Yep
Bob: really?
Me: Yep. Crohn's disease.
Friday, 24 March 2017
Long tail drama
Saturday, 18 March 2017
Humira (AKA keeping cool part 3)
Tuesday, 14 March 2017
Full moon party
Saturday, 4 March 2017
Scuba 3
Been Scuba diving yesterday and today, it's great that I can do it but it's more tricky with my ostomy. First of all I can't really empty my bag while out on the boat, as the toilet goes straight into the sea, so I've been taking a loperamide to slow things down a bit.
Secondly all the movement and the weight belt resting around that areas has been causing leaks and now my skin is quite sore. Not fun.
Wednesday, 1 March 2017
Scuba 2
I got a medical sign off from the local Physician, and did it today, with no problems. Woop!
Tuesday, 28 February 2017
Just tried to book a Scuba diving refresher course, I didn't really think about how the ileostomy might be an issue- if farts fill the bag up it could expand on the way up and blow the bag off...
Need to get signed off by a doctor.
Monday, 27 February 2017
The train to Koh Tao
1. Try to always carry toilet paper with you
2. Experience of using the water hose that they have in Asia (called the 'bum gun' apparently!)
3. I can cope with it and I survived! No need to be anxious about these things any more. (Seriously, when I went to India last year I was so concerned about using the toilets when out and about that I hardly drank any water, probably it could have been quite dangerous)
Friday, 24 February 2017
Just changed
I just changed my bag in the communal dorm's shower room. Travelling with an ostomy isn't the easiest thing, especially not when staying in hostels
Keeping cool part 2
Woke up about 6.30am as I had to empty my bag and I saw the thermometer was reading over 14 degrees. So I might have spoiled all that humira already...
I didn't book a hostel in advance because I read or heard that there is much more choice on the Khao San road than you see on the Internet. I'm now thinking that might have been a mistake and I should have booked somewhere that said it had a fridge freezer as one of the facilities.
I'll do that tomorrow
Thursday, 23 February 2017
Flying to Bangkok
Monday, 13 February 2017
Preparing to Leave
- Got myself a Thai tourist visa
- My flat is all packed up, all my stuff is in storage
- Lots of goodbye lunches/coffees/drinks with various friends
- Received a very large supplies order, containing my new favourite bags (more below!)
- Asked GP for a large prescription of Azathioprine
- Received a large order of Humira
- Spoken to consultant and stoma nurse
- Tried an improv class
- Get Loperamide and Dioralyte
- Travel insurance
- See my Bro
- Do a final pack of my backpack
Tuesday, 24 January 2017
Medactiv iCool Medicube
The experiments with Coloplast Sensura Mio bags went well and they do seem to be able to last longer than the bags I previously used (Oakmed) so I will take a few of each with me to Thailand. Getting excited!!